
des加密心得體會實用 des加密方法(三篇)

格式:DOC 上傳日期:2023-01-06 12:25:22 頁碼:14
des加密心得體會實用 des加密方法(三篇)
2023-01-06 12:25:22    小編:ZTFB



do you remember a legend in ancient times? it was hard-working meng jiangnuwho came to the great wall after many hardships in order to find her husband whowas captured by the officers and soldiers to build the great wall. when sheinquired around, she found out that her husband was tired to death, so she criedfor three days and three nights on the great wall. all of a sudden, with a bang,the great wall collapsed 800 miles. tourists, what a touching story it is. itcan be seen that the great wall condenses the blood and sweat of millions ofpeople and is the crystallization of the wisdom of the chinese people.

the total length of the great wall is about 6700 kilometers. the mostfamous badaling great wall rises and falls with the mountains. there are peakson both sides of the north and south. please follow me. look, the great wall ismainly composed of passes, walls and beacon towers. the city wall is the mainproject of the great wall. it is especially strong. it is made of huge bricks,stone bars and other materials. the pass is an important garrison along thegreat wall. please have a look next to it. there is a crenel on the top of thecity. there is a small crenel on each crenel. that is the liaowangkou. there isa shooting hole under the crenels. as for beacon towers, they are buildings thatlight beacon fires to convey information when there is military , when you stand on the great wall and look into the distance, can't you seethe end in front of you and the end behind you?

tourists, i'll introduce you here first. please enjoy the walk. please payattention, don't litter, scribble, and take good care of the great wall, whichis a world heritage that people exchange with their blood and sweat.






dear tourists, hello! welcome to the great wall. the section of the greatwall where we are now is badaling great wall. i'm zhao shanyue. today, i'll showyou around the great wall. i hope you can have a good time. before the tour, iwould like to emphasize the following points: first, please keep up with theteam and don't fall behind; second, please don't scribble on the wall or leaverubbish on the ground. please take good care of the great wall.

the great wall is very long. it is more than 13000 li from shanhaiguan inthe east to jiayuguan in the west. it traverses 15 provinces, cities andautonomous regions, with a total length of about 6700 km and 13300 li. it isknown as the "great wall" in the world. the great wall is very tall and is made of huge stones and bricks. you can have a look at the square bricksunder our feet. they are very smooth. five or six horses can run in ne turned their eyes to the crenels outside the city wall. the crenels areequipped with lookout and shooting ports for lookout and shooting. the concavepart is called the peephole, and the square hole is called the shooter. on thetop of the city wall, there is a square platform every 300 meters, which is afortress for garrison troops. when fighting, the platforms can echo eachother.

the great wall is listed as one of the world cultural heritages with a longhistory. during the spring and autumn period and the warring states period, inorder to defend each other, countries built the great wall in the dangerousterrain.

the great wall was first built in the spring and autumn period and thewarring states period. it was repaired in the qin shihuang period. since then,the great wall has been built in the han, northern wei, northern qi, northernzhou and sui dynasties. the great wall was built 18 times in ming dynasty.

about the great wall, i'll introduce these, let's enjoy it!







beijing, the ancient capital of six dynasties in china, has a long historyand a relatively complete architectural pattern. beijing, the capital of thepeople's republic of china, is the center of china's politics, culture andinternational exchanges. therefore, beijing has a rich and colorful ancient andmodern cultural landscape and profound cultural heritage.

beijing covers an area of 16807.8 square kilometers, with jundu mountain inthe north and xishan mountain in the west. dongling mountain at the junction ofhebei province is 2303 meters above sea level, the highest peak in are miyun reservoir, huairou reservoir and ming tombs reservoir in theterritory; there are five other rivers, namely chaobai river, beiyunhe river,yongding river, juma river and tanghe river.

beijing's climate is temperate continental monsoon climate with distinctseasons: a little sandstorm in spring and low temperature. summer is hot withshowers. in autumn, the weather is sunny, mild and crisp, which is the goldenseason for tourism; but in late autumn, it is cooler in the morning and evening,and hot at noon. in winter, the climate is dry and cold with less snow.

when you come to beijing for sightseeing, you can't miss the snacks withbeijing characteristics and the famous food with a long history. famous dishesinclude beijing roast duck, instant boiled mutton and court dishes.

beijing's specialties are: wang mazi scissors, angong niuhuang pill, qiulipaste, preserved fruit, poria cocos cake, liubiju pickles. local products are:jingbai pear, gaishi, liangxiang chestnut, hawthorn, walnut, miyun jujube,apricot.





