
英語語言文學(xué)心得體會實(shí)用 英語語言學(xué)心得體會英文(3篇)

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英語語言文學(xué)心得體會實(shí)用 英語語言學(xué)心得體會英文(3篇)
2023-01-08 18:46:13    小編:ZTFB










1。 學(xué)生對英語學(xué)習(xí)缺乏興趣、自信心和學(xué)習(xí)動力;在英語課堂上不積極參與,缺少主動發(fā)言的熱情或根本不愿意發(fā)言;另外,相當(dāng)一部分學(xué)生在聽新課時跟不上教師的節(jié)奏或不能理解教師相對較快的指示語。

2。 學(xué)生對英語課堂知識的掌握不實(shí)在、理解不全面,課外花的冤枉時光多。大部分學(xué)生對書本知識不夠重視,找不到英語學(xué)科復(fù)習(xí)的有效載體,不能有效的利用課本,適時地回歸課本,英語復(fù)習(xí)缺乏系統(tǒng)性,英語學(xué)習(xí)缺乏主動性。

3。 部分學(xué)生缺少教師明確的指導(dǎo),在復(fù)習(xí)時缺乏系統(tǒng)安排和科學(xué)計(jì)劃,或者學(xué)習(xí)和復(fù)習(xí)沒有個性化特點(diǎn), 導(dǎo)致學(xué)習(xí)效果不明顯。









i. listening & speaking

1. how does nature form a danger to people in the world and how can science help reduce that threat?

reduce 1)vt.(數(shù)量;力量等)減小;縮小;降低價格 she reduced her weight by 5 kg.

2)使成為(多用于被動語態(tài),且與to連用) the house was reduced to ashes.

he was reduced to begging.

2. scare/frighten sb. 使某人害怕 be scared/ frightened/ afraid of sb./ sth. 害怕某人/某物

a scared/ frightened face/ look/ eyes充滿恐懼的臉/神色/眼神(此人感到害怕)

a scaring/ frightening face/look/ eyes嚇人的臉/神色/眼神(令別人害怕)

be scared/ frightened to death嚇得要死

拓展 terrifying/terrified (可怕的/感到害怕的) exciting/excited (令人激動的/激動的)

surprising/surprised(令人吃驚的/吃驚的) moving/moved (使人感動的/感動的)

touching/touched (使人感動的/感動的) puzzling/puzzled (使人迷惑的/迷惑的)

3. it makes my hair stand on end.

stand on end直立,豎著 on end 1)直立;豎直地

it will fit if you lift it on end.如果把它豎著就合適了


he sat there for hours on end. it has been snowing on end for a week.

ii. reading

1. attract/ draw sb’s attention 引起某人的注意

attract/ draw sb’s attention to將某人的注意力吸引到…上去

pay attention to/ give one’s attention to注意… call sb’s attention to叫某人注意…

bring sth. to sb’s attention使某人注意…

2 sight 1)景象,景物, 場景, 景觀 a beautiful sight美麗的景象 a sad sight悲慘的場景

2) 風(fēng)景,名勝(人工造的景色, 常用復(fù)數(shù)) see the sights游覽名勝see the sights of the west lake.觀賞西湖風(fēng)景

3)視覺,視力 lose ones sight 失明 have long/far sight遠(yuǎn)視 have short/near sight近視

have good/poor sight視力好/差 have one’s sight tested視力檢查

4) 看,觀望;觀覽at first sight 一見就..., 初次看見時at the sight of一看見…就... catch /have/ gain/ get sight of突然瞥見

5) 視野,眼界 be in sight可看得見的,在視線內(nèi)out of sight看不見的,在視線之外 be/ go /get out of sight看不見了lose sight of 看不見...了

scene 1)自然景色,風(fēng)景the scene is a perfect dream when you see the sun rising slowly in the east.

2)眼前的情景,景象(包括人及活動在內(nèi))the scene after the earthquake was horrible.地震后的場景十分可怕。

there is a happy scene of children playing in the garden.孩子們在花園里玩耍,好一派歡樂的景象。

3)現(xiàn)場,出事地點(diǎn)a crowd at the scene of the accident在出事地點(diǎn)的人群

4)場所,地點(diǎn)whats new on the film scene?電影院演什么新片?


view 1)常指從某處可以看到的自然景色 its a room with a view. youll like it. there is a lovely view from this window

2)a point of view觀點(diǎn)

scenery指某地總的自然風(fēng)景或景色,尤指美麗的鄉(xiāng)間景色。不可數(shù) 。

i hope one day i will have a long holiday and go to a far-away village to enjoy the beautiful scenery.

3. awake vt.(awoke,awaked) 喚起,叫醒;提醒,啟發(fā);激起,激發(fā) awake sb.s sympathy喚起某人的同情心

adj. [用作表語,補(bǔ)語] 醒著的;意識到 be broad /wide awake完全醒著;完全知道, 充分覺察到 (be sound asleep酣睡)

awake to 明白, 認(rèn)識或意識到

it took her some to awake to the dangers of her situation.過了一段時間她才意識到她處境的危險

4 at hand在手邊;在跟前 help was at hand. 援助近在咫尺

keep sth. at hand把某物放在手邊 have sth. at hand手頭上有某物

give sb. a hand with sth.在某方面幫某人 be made by hand手工制作的

5。there was no way out except by boat.

way out(克服困難的)辦法,出路

find a way out找到出路 help sb. out (of)幫助某人擺脫(…)麻煩

常見搭配:escape doing , a narrow escape

7. urge sb. to do sth.= urge sb. into doing sth =urge that sb. (should) do sth. 極力勸/主張/催促/慫恿某人做某事

①他們慫恿我吃那些奇怪的食物。 they urged me to eat the strange food.

②他力勸我們?nèi)棠褪潜匾摹?he urged us on the necessity of patience.

③他主張我向她道歉。 he urged that i (should ) apologize to her.

8. on/ upon arrival一到就

on/ upon one’s arrival at/ in sp= on/ upon arriving at/ in sp 某人一到某地就

on/ upon doing sth.在做某事時,當(dāng)某事發(fā)生時,一做某事就

immediately 立即,馬上(at once)

when she heard the good news she came immediately. 一聽到好消息,她立刻就來了。

“一……就….”表達(dá)法: immediately/ instantly… the moment, instant, minute, second… hardly/scarcely (no sooner)…when (than)…

immediately he returned from the usa, he began to prepare for a company. 他一從美國回來就開始準(zhǔn)備開公司

iii. integrating skills

1. knock about/ around(口語)漫游;閑逛

knock against / on sth 撞,碰;knock into; knock out of;

2. be up發(fā)生;出事 whats up怎么了, 發(fā)生什么啦? whats up to sb.?某人怎么了, 發(fā)生什么啦?

be up to1)勝任, 適于 be up to one’s work勝任某人的工作

2)從事于,忙于,做(壞事)what in the world are you up to?你到底在搞什么鬼?

3)it’s up to sb. to do sth.該由/輪到某人做某事,做某事取決于某人

the success of this project is up to us.這個項(xiàng)目的成敗取決于我們

4)(數(shù)目)到…之多 up to 100 men可達(dá)一百人

up to直到 up to now/ then知道現(xiàn)在/那時

3. do for sb./ sth. “破壞, 使…失敗.”

1) the spelling mistake in the exam did for him.

2) the factory will be done for it if capital can’t arrive in fifteen days.


do for “ 設(shè)法弄到” 常用于how , what 開頭的疑問句中.

eg. how did you do for food when you were in the desert?

unit 10 frightening nature

i. listening & speaking

1. how does nature form a danger to people in the world and how can science help reduce that threat?

reduce 1)vt._______________ she reduced her weight by 5 kg.


the house was reduced to ashes. he was reduced to begging.

2. scare/frighten sb. 使某人害怕 be scared/ frightened/ afraid of sb./ sth. 害怕某人/某物

a scared/ frightened face/ look/ eyes_______________

a scaring/ frightening face/look/ eyes_______________

be scared/ frightened to death_______________

拓展 terrifying/terrified (_______________) exciting/excited (_______________)

surprising/surprised(_______________) moving/moved (_______________)

touching/touched (_______________) puzzling/puzzled (_______________)


(1.)__the big snake, the girl stood under the tree___.

a. seeing ;frightened b. seeing ; frightening c. seen; frightened d. to see; frightening

(2.)the movie was so___that i was___.

a. moving; moved b. moved; moved c. moved; moving d. moving; moving

3. it makes my hair stand on end. stand on end直立,豎著

on end 1) _______________ it will fit if you lift it on end.

2)_______________ he sat there for hours on end. it has been snowing on end for a week.

ii. reading

1. sight 1)景象,景物, 場景, 景觀 a beautiful sight美麗的景象 a sad sight悲慘的場景

2) 風(fēng)景,名勝(人工造的景色, 常用復(fù)數(shù)) see the sights_______________see the sights of the west lake. _______________

3)視覺,視力 lose ones sight _________ have long/far sight_______ have short/near sight_______

4) 看,觀望;觀覽at first sight _________at the sight of_________. catch /have/ gain/ get sight of_________

5) 視野,眼界 be in sight_________out of sight_________ be/ go /get out of sight_________lose sight of _________

scene 1)自然景色,風(fēng)景the scene is a perfect dream when you see the sun rising slowly in the east.

2)眼前的情景,景象(包括人及活動在內(nèi))the scene after the earthquake was horrible.

there is a happy scene of children playing in the garden.

3)現(xiàn)場,出事地點(diǎn)a crowd at the scene of the accident

4)場所,地點(diǎn)whats new on the film scene?


view 1)常指從某處可以看到的自然景色 its a room with a view. youll like it. there is a lovely view from this window

2)a point of view觀點(diǎn)

scenery指某地總的自然風(fēng)景或景色,尤指美麗的鄉(xiāng)間景色。不可數(shù) 。

i hope one day i will have a long holiday and go to a far-away village to enjoy the beautiful scenery.

2. awake vt.(awoke, awaken) 喚起,叫醒;提醒,啟發(fā);激起,激發(fā) awake sb.s sympathy喚起某人的同情心

adj. [用作表語,補(bǔ)語] 醒著的;意識到 be broad /wide awake_________ (be sound asleep酣睡)

awake to 明白, 認(rèn)識或意識到

it took her some to awake to the dangers of her situation.

3 at hand_________________ help was at hand. _________

keep sth. at hand_________ have sth. at hand_________give sb. a hand with sth. _________ be made by hand_________

4。there was no way out except by boat.

way out_________

find a way out找到出路 help sb. out (of)幫助某人擺脫(…)麻煩

常見搭配:escape doing , a narrow escape

6. urge sb. to do sth.= urge sb. into doing sth =urge that sb. (should) do sth. 極力勸/主張/催促/慫恿某人做某事

they urged me to eat the strange food. he urged us on the necessity of patience.

he urged that i (should ) apologize to her.

7. on/ upon arrival_________

on/ upon one’s arrival at/ in sp= on/ upon arriving at/ in sp 某人一到某地就

on/ upon doing sth.在做某事時,當(dāng)某事發(fā)生時,一做某事就

immediately 立即,馬上(at once)

when she heard the good news she came immediately. 一聽到好消息,她立刻就來了。

“一……就….”表達(dá)法:_________; _________; _________; _________

immediately he returned from the usa, he began to prepare for a company. 他一從美國回來就開始準(zhǔn)備開公司

iii. integrating skills

1. knock about/ around(口語)_________

knock against / on sth 撞,碰;knock into; knock out of;

4. be up_________ whats up怎么了, 發(fā)生什么啦? whats up to sb.?某人怎么了, 發(fā)生什么啦?

be up to1)_________ be up to one’s work勝任某人的工作

2)_________ what in the world are you up to?你到底在搞什么鬼?

3)it’s up to sb. to do sth. _________ the success of this project is up to us.

4)_________ up to 100 men

5) up to_________ up to now/ then_________

2. do for sb./ sth. “_________.”

1) the spelling mistake in the exam did for him.

2) the factory will be done for if capital can’t arrive in fifteen days.

do for “ 設(shè)法弄到” 常用于how , what 開頭的疑問句中.

eg. how did you do for food when you were in the desert?



1. --- go for a picnic this weekend, ok?

--- ______. i love getting close to nature.(福建)

a. i couldn’t agree more b. i’m afraid not c. i believe not d. i don’t think so

2. --- susan, will you please go and empty that drawer ?

--- _______? (2004 全國i 卷) a. what for b. what is it c. how is it d. how come

3. it is easy to do the repair. ________ you need is a hammer and some nails. (2004天津高考)

a. something b. all c. both d. everything

4. unless ______ to speak, you should remain silent at the conference. (上海春季高考)

a. invited b. inviting c. being invited d. having invited

5. the man we followed suddenly stopped and looked as if____ whether he was going in the right direction. (20北京春季)

a. seeing b. having seen c. to have seen d. to see

6. though ______ money, his parents managed to send him to university. ( 年上海高考)

a. lacked b. lacking of c. lacking d. lacked in

7. when ______, the museum will be open to the public next year. ( 上海春季高考)

a. completed b. completing c. being completed d. to be completed

8. he made another wonderful discovery, ____ of great importance to science. ( 上海高考)

a. which i think is b. which i think it is c. which i think itd. i think is

9. if ________ the same treatment again, he is sure to get well. (上海高考)

a. giving b. give c. given d. being given

10.--- alice, why didnt you come yesterday ?

---i ________, but i had an unexpected visitor. (nmet)

a. had b. would c. was going to d. did

key:1-5. aabad 6-10. caacc


一、 在含有狀語從句的復(fù)合句中

由when,while,as, once,whenever引導(dǎo)的時間狀語從句;或由if,unless引導(dǎo)的條件狀語從句;由though,although,even if ,even though引導(dǎo)的讓步狀語從句;由as though,as if,as引導(dǎo)的方式狀語從句;由because引導(dǎo)的原因狀語從句;由wherever引導(dǎo)的地點(diǎn)狀語從句,若從句的主句是it或與主句的主語相同,且在謂語中含有be時,常省略從句的主語和be。

1. when first ________ to the market, these products enjoyed great success. (nmet 2004全國卷ii)

a. introducing b. introduced c. introduce d. being introduced

2. it shames me to say it, but i told a lie when ________ at the meeting by my boss. (nmet 2004全國卷iv) a. questioning b. having questioned c. questioned d. to be questioned

3. the man we followed suddenly stopped and looked as if ________ whether he was going in the right direction. (nmet 安徽春) a. seeing b. having seen c. to have seen d. to see

4. generally speaking, ________ according to the directions, the drug has no side effect. (nmet2003上海卷) a. when taking b. when taken c. when to take d. when to be taken

5. unless ________ to speak, you should remain silent at the conference. (nmet 2003上海春)

a. invited b. inviting c. being invited d. having invited

6. when ________ , the museum will be open to the public next year. (nmet 2002上海春)

a. completed b. completing c. being completed d. to be completed

7. though ________ money, his parents man-aged to send him to university. (nmet 2002上海卷)

a. lacked b. lacking of c. lacking d. lacked in

8. the research is so designed that once ________ nothing can be done to change it. (nmet 2002)

a. begins b. having begun c. beginning d. begun


作賓語的關(guān)系代詞that,which,whom可以省略;在以the same... as和such... as引導(dǎo)的定語從句中,可以省略與主句相同的部分;the way后面的定語從句中,可以省略that,in which;在含被動語態(tài)的定語從句中,關(guān)系代詞作主語時,可以省略關(guān)系代詞和be,省略之后,變成過去分詞短語作定語。

9. -you re always working. come on, lets go shopping.

- ________ you ever want to do is going shopping. (nmet 2002北京、安徽、內(nèi)蒙古春)

a. anything b. something c. all d. that

10. is this the reason ________ at the meeting for his carelessness in his work?(nmet 2002上海春)

a. he explained b. what he explained c. how he explained d. why he explained

11. what surprised me was not what he said but ________ he said it. (nmet 2004湖北卷)

a. the way b. in the way that c. in the way d. the way which

12. it is easy to do the repair. ________ you need is a hammer and some nails. (nmet 2004天津卷)

a. something b. all c. both d. everything

13. thats an unpleasant thing to say about your father after ________ hes done for you. (nmet 2004全國卷) a. something b. anything c. all d. that

三、 在感官動詞或短語中

在see,watch,hear,feel,observe,notice,listen to等感官動詞或短語及make,have,let等使役動詞之后的“賓語+不定式作賓語補(bǔ)足語” 結(jié)構(gòu)中,不定式前省略to;有時為了避免重復(fù),常省略與上文表達(dá)相同意思的不定式符號to之后的內(nèi)容,只保留不定式符號;不定式在tell,ask, advise, wish, permit, force等動詞后面作賓語補(bǔ)足語或主語補(bǔ)足語時,可以省略,但要保留不定式符號to;不定式在happy,glad,eager,ready,willing等形容詞后面作狀語時,可以省略,但要保留不定式符號to。

14. as youve never been there before, ill have someone ________ you the way. (met 1990上海卷)

a. to show b. show c. showing d. showed

15. -ill be away on a business trip. would you mind looking after my cat?

-not at all, ________ . (nmet 1995)

a. i have no time b. id rather not c. id like it d. id be happy to

16. -does your brother intend to study german?

-yes, he intends ________ . (nmet 1998上海卷)

a. / b. to c. so d. that

17. -would you like to go to the grand theatre with me tonight?

- ________ . (nmet 上海卷)

a. yes, id like to go to the grand theatre b. id like to, but i have an exam tomorrow

c. no, i wont d. thats right

18. -you should have thanked her before you left.

-i meant ________ , but when i was leaving i couldnt find her anywhere. (nmet 北京春招卷) a. to do b. to c. doing d. doing to

四、 在if引導(dǎo)的虛擬條件句中


19. ________ it rain tomorrow, we would have to put off the visit to the yangpu bridge. (nmet 1994上海卷) a. were b. should c. would d. will

20. ________ for the free tickets, i would not have gone to the films so often. (nmet 1995上海卷)

a. if it is not b. were c. had it not been d. if they were not

五、 在否定結(jié)構(gòu)中


21. i will never know what was on his mind at the time, nor will ________ . (nmet 2004 江蘇卷)

a. anyone b. anyone else c. no one d. no one else

22. of the making of good books there is no end; neither ________ any end to their influence on mans lives. (nmet 2004 廣東卷) a. there is b. there are c. is there d. are there

23. -i would never come to this restaurant again. the food is terrible!

- ________ . (nmet 2004全國卷iii)

a. nor am i b. neither would i c. same with me d. so do i


1-5 bcdba 6-10 aadca 11-15 abcbd 16-20 bbbbc 21-23 bcb

六. 不定式結(jié)構(gòu)中的省略

在同一個句子或聯(lián)系緊密的對話中,為了避免重復(fù),作賓語或補(bǔ)足語的不定式再次出現(xiàn)時,不定式符號to后面的內(nèi)容常常被省略,只保留不定式符號to。常用于動詞refuse, would like, would love, wish, want, hope, expect, intend以及形容詞afraid, happy, glad, willing, ready等之后。

the boy wanted to ride his bicycle in the street, but his mother told him ________.

a. not to b. not to do c. not do it d. do not to 答案: a


-are you a farmer? -no, but i used to be.


用it, one, that替代句子中重復(fù)出現(xiàn)的名詞、代詞或句子;用so, neither / nor引起的分句,表示前面的情況也適用于后者。

1. --- you haven’t lost the ticket, have you ?

--- ______. i know it’s not easy to get another one at the moment. (2004江蘇高考)

a. i hope notb. yes, i have c. i hope sod. yes, i’m afraid so

2. --- the boys are not doing a good job at all, are they ?

--- ________. (2003北京春)

a. i guess not so b. i don’t guess c. i don’t guess sod. i guess not

3.--- i believe we’ve met somewhere before .

--- no, ________. (2000北京春)

a. it isn’t the same b. it can’t be truec. i don’t think so d. i’d rather not

key:1.a 2.d 3.c

簡析 替代詞so / not用于避免重復(fù)前面所說過的內(nèi)容,代替肯定的名詞性從句??膳c動詞believe , do, expect, fear, guess, hope, say, speak, suppose, think 等及 i’m afraid連用??隙〞r上列動詞都可與so 搭配,否定時hope與guess 只用i hope not 和i guess not 形式,而think ,believe , suppose 等詞可有兩種否定形式 ,即:i think not 或i don’t think so.

例 --- is he going to study abroad?

--- i believe so. ( so = he is going to study abroad )

we needed a new cupboard for the kitchen. so peter made ________ from some wood we had.

a. it b. one c. himself d. another

-i would never come to this restaurant again. the food is terrible! -________.

a. nor am i b. neither would i c. same with me d. so do i

答案:① b ② b

八。 答語中的省略

1. 有時為了避免重復(fù),可用so或that作替代語,替代前面所說的內(nèi)容??捎糜趧釉~think, believe, hope, suppose, expect, guess, imagine以及be afraid, of course, certainly, perhaps等后面。

-you havent lost the ticket, have you? -________. i know its not easy to get another one at the moment.

a. i hope not b. yes, i have c. i hope so d. yes, im afraid so 答案: a

2. 含有情態(tài)動詞的答語中可以使用省略回答,只保留情態(tài)動詞;情態(tài)動詞后有be或作助動詞的have時,保留be或have。

-i dont mind telling you what i know. -you ________. im not asking you for it.

a. mustnt b. may not c. cant d. neednt 答案: d

3. 疑問句中的省略回答。

①-susan, go and join your sister cleaning the yard.

-why ________? john is sitting there doing nothing.

a. him b. he c. i d. me

②-what do you think made mary so upset? -________ her bicycle.

a. as she lost b. lost c. losing d. because of losing 答案:① d ② c

4. 祈使句中的省略回答。

-write to me when you get home. -________.

a. i must b. i should c. i will d. i can 答案: c

九。 會話中的省略

例: 1.--- guess what ! i came across an old friend at the party last night.

--- ______. i’m sure you had a wonderful time. (2004遼寧)

a. sounds good! b. very wellc. how nice !d. all right !

2.--- let’s go and have a good drink tonight.

--- _____ have you got the first prize in the competition? (2004重慶)

a. what for ? b. thanks a lot .c. yes, i’d like tod. why not ?

3. ---brad was jane’s brother!

--- _____ he reminded me so much of jane ! (2004浙江)

a. no doubtb. above all c. no wonderd. of course

4. if you are planning to spend your money having fun this week, better ____ it -- you’ve got some big bills coming. (2004廣東高考)

a. forgetb. forgotc. forgettingd. to forget

key:1.c 2.a 3.c 4.a

簡析省略在會話中廣泛應(yīng)用,解題時應(yīng)按照問話或答語的具體內(nèi)容補(bǔ)充完整, 做好該類題型一是要注意上下文語境,二是要注意常見句式的省略。英語中常見句式的省略有:

is … (that…) 強(qiáng)調(diào)句式中that 部分省略。2.(it is) no wonder … ( 難怪…)

3.(is there) anything else ?

4.(you’d) better do

some difficulty( in) doing, prevent sb (from) doing sth 等詞組中介詞在口語中常省略

例:1.--- where did you see him last night?

--- it was in the hotel ____ he stayed.

a. where b. that c. which d. /

2. you can’t imagine the great difficulty i had _____ your house.

a. finding b. found c. to find d. find key1.a2.a

簡析第1題可以補(bǔ)全強(qiáng)調(diào)句式that 部分: it was in the hotel where he stayed that i saw him last night. hotel 后為定語從句。

第2題是對have difficulty in doing sth 詞組置于定語從句的考查,介詞in 的省略加大了該題的難度。







“changing english in the changing world”?,F(xiàn)代英語的變化,異常是口語方面的變化可從以下幾個方面體現(xiàn)出來:








英語教師的教學(xué)重點(diǎn)是放在教學(xué)資料,教學(xué)大綱和考試形式上呢,還是將教學(xué)注重點(diǎn)轉(zhuǎn)移到學(xué)生的性格、興趣、情緒等方面的培養(yǎng)和控制 這是,現(xiàn)代教育思想轉(zhuǎn)變的重大原則問題。事實(shí)證明,認(rèn)為自我“民主、開放、平靜、友好、體貼、樂于助人、聰明、富于邏輯性和歡樂”的人,一般來說,其學(xué)習(xí)英語成功的可能性要大于與上述性格相反或相差極大的學(xué)習(xí)者。另外,在外語學(xué)習(xí)過程中,由于外界因素的影響,學(xué)習(xí)者會出現(xiàn)焦慮沮喪煩躁不安等情景,英語教師作為教學(xué)活動的組織者,應(yīng)注意對外語學(xué)習(xí)者情感因素的培養(yǎng)和控制。尤其是在中學(xué)的低年級階段,英語教師要培養(yǎng)對學(xué)生的親近感。在課堂教學(xué)中英語教師要十分尊重學(xué)生,注意激勵學(xué)生,關(guān)注學(xué)生學(xué)習(xí)過程。在當(dāng)前“減負(fù)”工作中,英語教師尤其要注意體察學(xué)生在課堂上的心理感受,親近學(xué)生,使學(xué)生喜愛英語教師和英語課,從而提高英語課堂教學(xué)的效益。
